Friday, April 13, 2012

The Triple R Ranch

From the time I was 7 years old until I was 21 years old, camp was a part of my life. Often I wish that I could go to camp as an adult. I know that they exist, but unfortunately they are less about fun activities and more about drinking (for some that might be fun, but not for me, I prefer canoeing and horse back riding).

Triple R Ranch in Chesapeake, VA was the camp I went to every summer. It was a life changing experience. Home was a turbulent place and camp was a country refuge to transport me to a place of peace and contentment I had never known before or possibly since.

As a camper we were given Trading Post dollars by our parents to spend on trinkets, snacks and t-shirts. Popsicles were always a part of my purposeful purchase, it was really hot! To be specific push-up creamsicles were my steady addiction over the course of a week.

However as I grew and began to serve the camp as a CIT-counselor-in-training/Horse Wrangler something really special occurred every week, we had a night off and we got to go to Dairy Queen. Warm sticky mosquito filled air followed us as we piled in cars and trucks to a far away land of the fluffy cold substance called Ice Cream. Giggling and gentle innocent flirtations were shared among the staff as we had left our daily duties on the dusty ranch. New life was breathed into our bodies with each crispy cool bite.


  1. .. I'm very curious about the continuation of the history of ice cream, peace and tranquility in your camp ... Amy, please continue ... Many compliments from italy and Kisses from my family...Paolo, Giulia, Francesca e Massimo...

  2. Gelato al cioccolato

    ingredienti x 6 persone: 2 dl di latte

    200g di panna liquida

    100g di zucchero

    80g di cioccolato fondente amaro

    1 uovo


    Fate a pezzi il cioccolato e lasciatelo fondere a bagnomaria con poco latte. A parte sbattete l’uovo con lo zucchero e diluite quindi con il latte restante. Aggiungete il cioccolato fuso e infine incorporate con delicatezza la panna montata . Versate il composto nella gelatiera e fate funzionare per 35 minuti circa; se invece non disponete la gelatiera proseguite in questo modo: dopo aver spezzettato il cioccolato e averlo lasciato fondere con il latte a bagnomaria, aggiungete poco alla volta il latte restante, la panna liquida, e continuando a girare con un cucchiaio di legno lasciate cuocere per qualche minuto. Al primo segno di bollore versate il composto nella casseruola dove precedentemente avrete sbattuto l’uovo con lo zucchero, quindi rimettete sul fuoco per qualche minuto, mescolando di continuo.

    Lasciate raffreddare fuori dal fuoco e verste il tutto nel contenitore per freezer; (possibilmente in acciaio inossidabile il contenitore) dopo circa un’ora e mezza togliete il contenitore dal freezer, il composto avrà iniziato a gelarsi sui bordi, rimescolate con molta energia per rompere gli eventuali cristalli di ghiaccio che si saranno formati;(se avete un frullatore potete utilizzarlo a bassa velocità); rimettete ancora in freezer e dopo un’ora e mezza ripetete la stessa operazione; a questo punto lasciate in freezer per due ore e dopodiché potete servire il gelato...

    Buon appetito da Mr Chef

    Chocolate gelato

    Ingredients for 6 people:

    2 cups milk, 200g cream, 100g of sugar, 80g bitter dark chocolate ,1 egg.

    Break up the chocolate and let it melt in a water bath with some milk. In another bowl beat the egg with the sugar and then diluted with remaining milk. Add the melted chocolate and then incorporated with the whipped cream gently. Pour the mixture into gelatiera (ice cream machine) and run for 35 minutes, but if you do not have the ice cream machine go like this: After the chopped chocolate and let it melt in a double boiler with milk, gradually add the remaining milk, the cream , and continuing to run with a wooden spoon, cook for a few minutes. At the first sign of boiling, pour the mixture into the pan where you have previously beaten egg with sugar, then put it back on heat for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

    Let cool off the heat and miles out into the bowl to the freezer; (preferably stainless steel container) after about half an hour and remove the bowl from the freezer, the mixture has started to freeze around the edges, stir with a lot of energy to break any ice crystals that are formed, (if you can use a blender at low speed), even in the freezer and put it back again after half an hour and repeat the same operation, at which point you leave in the freezer for two hours and then you can serve the Gelato...

    Bon appetit from Mr. Chef
